If you’re a director, manager or team leader, then you already know that managing business teams of any kind is not as simple as it might seems. At the end of the day, you work with other people who can be very different from you, with different types of changing moods and sometimes with very various challenges.
For example, if you work for a sales department, as targets are so tightly bound you know that keeping sales people motivated can make a huge impact on the results.
Organizing teams in the most appropriate way and to have in mind some key elements to maintain the moral of the whole team will help you to make their performance more effective and with a smile on their face.
Through gamification you can organize, train, motivate and reward their efforts. In the following we will explain you some key elements of how to make your team give their 100% with a smile on their faces.
Team management models in the commercial sector
How is your sales force organized? You have probably never considered or let yourself go by the inertia, or on the contrary, your organization responds to a meticulously deployed plan that you always have in mind. It is also possibly that it has been organized in a non-ideal way for your business. Either way, it is impossible that your team would work without any kind of work organization.
Based on their nature, you can distinguish between two types of management models. Which one is yours?
Island model
It’s the most traditional model and it’s based on the segregation of duties between supervisors who manage different teams. These tasks can variate depending on the product, geographical zones etc.
In the island model, each business manager is responsible for every step of the process, from leads generation until the sales closings.
The advantage of this model is simplicity and the fact that it increases the responsibility and the autonomy of the team leaders, but it makes more difficult to control and measure the performance of each island, like the possible increase of fixed costs. In this model, for example, it is very common to have the same or similar professional profiles duplicating tasks.
Sequence Model
The sequential model can be applied to the sales process divided by different phases, each coordinated by one manager and his or her team.
A typical division of teams is as follows:
- Leads generation team
- Sales representatives
- Account Executives
- Customer Service Team
The first and the second groups are the ones who contact and qualify the leads. The third team closes the sales and last, but not least, the customer service team that manages to maintain and improve the customer experience. The difference between the previous model and this one is that here the managers and sales managers are not responsible for all the sales processes, but only for a single phase.
This model requires a mayor coordination between teams, but also reduces the complexity of the sales cycles, increases the efficiency and facilities the application of the sales red. We must also keep in mind that this model is not applicable to all kind of sectors, for example: Retail Sector.
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How to motivate a sales team in 4 different ways
Use any kind of team management model, these key elements will help you keep them motivated.
1. The importance of attracting talents in team management
When building a well-structured team, it is important not to focus too much on the corporate culture, instead, you should take a chance on profiles with particular characteristics that could work well together, even though they are not the most orthodox.
There are 5 elements that you should evaluate in any candidate to make sure you are doing the talent recruitment that you are actually looking for:
- Empathy: it does not mean to be “nice” but to have to ability of adapting and accepting other points of views and interiorize them. It will help the candidate to get along with the other team members.
- Focus on achieving the goals: that being said, look for people who have good organizational skills, with the ability of recognizing what must be done in order to achieve the established goals and able to focus on those objectives.
- Sens of responsibility: people with these characteristics won’t prone to look the other way when facing issues and errors, they will have the capacity to detect and solve those causes.
- Optimism: in the commercial world, negatives are frequent. Facing work with a good dose of optimism will help the morale of the whole team and in case of any eventuality will facilitate the achievements.
- Confidence in one’s abilities: a little bit of ego. We are talking about people who believe in their capabilities and want to achieve their goals no matter the cost, partially, for their own satisfaction.
2. Continuous training for your team
Training is one of the best tool to retain talent within your company, besides, it offers tools for the team members so they can get confident doing their job. For example, if they work in sales, knowing each detail about a product will make their job much easier.
Nowadays, they do not use large and long conventions and infinite courses. Avoid them. We live in the era of e-learning and gamification. By providing the appropriate tools your team can improve their processes and abilities and results, therefor the profit of your business too.
Did you know that gamification can increase your sales up to 20%?
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3. Establish objectives to motivate and improve your sales
Few things can demotivate team members more than the lack of specific, measurable, attainable, realist goals within a concrete deadline. Defining these points will help you to decrease uncertainty, one of the biggest enemies of motivation.
4. Measure and reward the achievements of your sales team
Measuring the results of the team is very useful for identifying the strength and weak points and to keep track on their performance. Often times they do not even have to be linked to economic goals , but can be linked to working method KPIs, such as:
- Update the CRM of your company correctly and systematically
- Deliver an excellent customer service experience
- Participate actively in the company’s training initiatives
- Show productivity by proposing solutions for the daily issues
- Achieve a greater number of leads
It is essential to get the right rewards for the different types of results you want to achieve, rewards that will satisfy your team for the effort they have given.
People who are not being motivated are unlikely to become very talented if they are only offered monetary compensations.
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Train, motivate and reward your sales team with gamification
If you ask yourself how to motivate your sales team or any other division or departments, gamification is the innovate solution you have been looking for.
A gamified match made by Playmotiv allows you to set clear and right goals and establish real KPIs and organize an attractive and easily understandable reward system for the team members.
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